Custom Carolina Barn
This is one of most popular customized Carolina Barn. The dimensions are 42x36x13/9 with Vertical roof. A step down lean to style barn, center section which is fully enclosed with vertically oriented panels for both sides and ends, has (1) 12×12 metal roll up door (3) windows and (1) walk in door. On the inside of the barn, there are (3) framed out openings for easy access to the lean to. The right side lean-to of this custom barn is also fully enclosed with (2) 9’x8’ metal roll up door, (1) walk in door and (2) windows on the front wall. The left lean-to of this Carolina custom barn is open with vertical gables on both ends and (3) side frame outs with 45 degree cuts. This barn does include the vertical deluxe two toned package – All the panels vertical with a wainscot.